January 24, 2019
Striped bass are the number-one target when it comes to Chesapeake Bay fishing, and it’s no wonder why striper fishing is so amazingly popular: stripers bite willingly, fight hard, and taste great.…
December 13, 2018
There's some excellent fishing to be found in the Ocean City, MD inlet, especially at these five top hotspots:
Tip of the North inlet jetty - striped bass, bluefish, and tautog.
Outside wall of…
December 9, 2018
Just as many folks are winterizing boats at the end of the fall, the fishing is actually blasting off – the average size striper is typically larger than all other months of the year and the fish…
October 28, 2018
After spending the season with a new Minn Kota Riptide Ulterra equipped with Spot-Lock and integrated with a Humminbird SOLIX MEGA SI MFD, Capt. Pete Dahlberg has the scoop on how an electric…
October 12, 2018
Deceivers, Clousers, epoxy flies – all get gulped up by rockfish due to their ability to get down in the water column. But what about those days when the fish are close to the surface, eager to…
October 10, 2018
Will big stripers come back into the Bay this fall? Season to season this run varies quite a bit, and there’s no telling whether or not we’ll see ocean-run fish this year. Hopefully they’ll turn…
October 8, 2018
As fall settles in and water temperatures begin to chill, striped bass feeding behavior will become more aggressive as they begin their pre-winter forage and Chesapeake Bay fishing kicks into high…
May 3, 2018
5/16/2018 Update:
Mandatory circle hook use is now officially in effect!
5/3/2018 Update:
The DNR announced today that the Joint Committee has approved the regs outlined below, and will put them…
February 8, 2018
Two big news items broke in the last 24 hours: first, circle hook regulations for Maryland anglers targeting striped bass when they chum and/or fish bait are likely coming soon. Second, the…
December 5, 2017
By now, many of you have heard that a monster 51-inch striper was caught in Eastern Bay on Thursday, November 30, by Bradley Smith, his father Gary, and their friend Daniel. They were trolling with a…
November 24, 2017
Located in the Upper Bay just south of Hart-Miller Island at N39° 11.146 X W76° 22.020, Man O’ War shoal is within easy reach of Baltimore anglers. The main reason fishing around Man ‘O War is so…
November 14, 2017
In certain parts of the Mid-Atlantic and particularly when it comes to Chesapeake Bay fishing, November can be the hottest striper month of the year. On occasion it can even out-rank the spring…
October 19, 2017
There’s an old saying that applies to kayak fishing, among other things: “If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” In other words, we perform the task at hand using the tools we have…
October 1, 2017
We covered the how-to aspects of fishing for rockfish in Fishing Light Tackle for Stripers in Shallow Water, Part I, so now it’s time to look in detail at some of the best spots (from north to south…
September 6, 2017
You’re looking for keeper stripers in big schools, in the Upper and Middle Chesapeake Bay regions? Heading to the Chesapeake Bay Bridges might be your best choice. When the fishing is dead and all…
August 29, 2017
Whether you’re prowling the shoreline of a tributary, working a rip-rapped stretch of the banks of the Bay, or casting to the sod banks of a Tangier Sound island, catching stripers on light tackle in…
August 10, 2017
Before you put a bait on a hook, you’ll have to go and catch it—and that’s why last month in Hit the Spot Part I, we looked into how to catch live spot. But now, it’s time to turn those little…
July 16, 2017
A few polished techniques separate those anglers consistently landing 40-inch fish from those catching the skunk. I’ve written extensively about trolling for striped bass in my first book, “Light…