February 20, 2018
If you want to catch the most and biggest flounder you’ve ever seen during a single day of fishing in the spring, one of the best places to offer this kind of opportunity lies on the Eastern Shore of…
February 1, 2018
Deep Creek Lake, located in western Maryland, is a vacation spot and fishing destination for people all year round. But if you’re rather try some KISS bass fishing while the rest of the family hits…
January 24, 2018
The winter bluefin fishery off North Carolina’s Outer Banks is one big, giant roll of the dice from season to season – some years it’s red-hot, and others it’s not. Some seasons it begins by the time…
January 7, 2018
Even the hardiest Mid-Atlantic angler who brakes ice at the ramp to fish warm water discharges or chops holes in a lake to go ice fishing has to admit it: during the dead of winter, a fishing…
December 31, 2017
You may have been keeping yourself occupied with catch and release fishing for trophy sized rockfish in warm water discharges, or maybe winter fishing for those big blue catfish has been how you're …
November 26, 2017
With all the talk of winterizing your boat, falling temperatures, and the like, for some anglers in Virginia, December fishing opportunities may go unfulfilled. An angler may instead sit and watch…
November 24, 2017
Located in the Upper Bay just south of Hart-Miller Island at N39° 11.146 X W76° 22.020, Man O’ War shoal is within easy reach of Baltimore anglers. The main reason fishing around Man ‘O War is so…
October 2, 2017
A great summer of fishing along the DelMarVa coast is just a memory, once fall rolls around. Tournament results are all but forgotten. Strong winds and unpredictable weather have made offshore…
October 1, 2017
We covered the how-to aspects of fishing for rockfish in Fishing Light Tackle for Stripers in Shallow Water, Part I, so now it’s time to look in detail at some of the best spots (from north to south…
September 6, 2017
You’re looking for keeper stripers in big schools, in the Upper and Middle Chesapeake Bay regions? Heading to the Chesapeake Bay Bridges might be your best choice. When the fishing is dead and all…
August 19, 2017
Anglers in the Mid-Atlantic region have a plethora of opportunities, but for those located in or near the Baltimore/DC metro area, few match up to freshwater fishing at Piney Run Reservoir. Located…
August 1, 2017
I love the feeling I get when I fire up my outboard and head for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the CBBT, on a warm summer morning for a day of fishing. In that moment, the day is full of…
July 5, 2017
For anglers who don’t own boats, the toughest part about fishing is often how and where you access the water. Sure, there are plenty of parks and public lands in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, but…
July 5, 2017
Whether you’re on the hunt for striped bass, sea trout, croaker, bluefish, Spanish mackerel, or flounder, there’s one place in the middle Chesapeake that’s a good bet for all of the above: Eastern…
June 17, 2017
Poplar has proved a reliable hotspot for many middle Chesapeake anglers through the years. The ice breakers (A on the graphic), points (B), and outflow pipes on the southern end (C) are commonly the…
June 8, 2017
What explodes out of the water like a ton of TNT, bites down with an estimated 18-tons of pressure per square inch, and eats 20-pound bluefish for a snack? Mako shark—and if you want to take on one…
June 2, 2017
By Holly Innes
Deep in the southern reaches of St. Mary’s County, Maryland, on the peninsula of land sandwiched between the Patuxent and Potomac Rivers, lies one of the best freshwater bodies of…
May 29, 2017
You want an offshore fishing adventure peppered with multiple pelagic species, high-octane drag-screaming action, and endless blue water? Then it’s time to cruise for the edge of the Continental…