February 10, 2020
Step aboard a boat full of tautog sharpies, drop your rig to bottom, and start bouncing the weight up and down. Know what happens next? Everyone aboard will point at you and laugh. What gives? Unlike…
June 9, 2019
Drifting behind the stern of American Mariner during a charter, we watched a school of bay anchovies chased by Spanish mackerel scatter along the surface. Off to our left below the surface were the…
January 16, 2019
If you want to score on true doormat flounder next summer, the best places to head are often the wrecks and reefs between 15 and 25 miles out off the coast. But fishing these deepwater spots for…
July 9, 2018
The next time you go wreck or reef fishing out of Indian River, Ocean City, Virginia Beach, or any other Mid-Atlantic port for sea bass or flounder at one of the many inshore sites, don’t forget that…