
October 14, 2022
As fall sets in and the waters cool off, jigging for yellowfin tuna and/or bluefin tuna can be red hot. There’s a lot to this game, but to nutshell the tactical parameters: Scotty jigged up this…
September 2, 2022
You say you like fish like yellowfin tuna, which pull hard, fight even after they're caught, and when sizzling on the grill will make every neighbor within sniffing distance jealous to the core? The…
May 19, 2022
Presented by SiriusXM Marine Many private boat owners who plan to fish offshore jump on a charter for the learning experience. That’s a very good move, but it also can lead to making some big…
May 11, 2022
Presented by SiriusXM Marine In reservoirs largemouth bass are attracted to trees and points, in the Bay striped bass are attracted to drop-offs and oyster bars, and in inshore waters sea bass are…
August 22, 2021
Albacore tunas used to run off our coastline, and although they seemed to more or less disappear decades ago, every once in a while someone trolling for yellowfin tuna picks one up. Last fall,…
May 18, 2020
There was a day and age when mid-summer was considered the best of the tuna trolling action off the Maryland coastline, but those days are long gone. In recent years spring and early summer have…
March 29, 2020
Every angler’s definition of fishing success varies, but I’m inclined to believe that each would include the phrase “catch fish.” When an angler says, “it was a beautiful, relaxing day of fishing,”…
December 28, 2019
Anglers are notorious when it comes to trying to build better fish-catching rigs, including those they drop back behind the boat when setting a mixed spread for offshore fishing. It seems we’re never…
December 10, 2019
You want to find and bait marlin? Set out to fish for bigeye tuna? No one ever hit a 95-mph fastball, shot par on a round of golf, sank three-pointers on the court, or strapped on a pair of skates…
October 15, 2019
As fall kicks in many small boat anglers hang up the spreader bars and gaffs for the season – and that’s a shame. While it’s true that good weather windows are smaller and harder to come by, the…
May 13, 2019
Trolling is often the way to get yellowfin tuna on the line and last month we touched on the how-to info in Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Tactics Part One: Trolling, but at times it's the chunking bite that…
April 24, 2019
Trolling, chunking, and jigging are popular methods for pursuing offshore gamefish, and all three tactics are effective – but not every day. The savvy tuna angler keeps options open when running…
January 8, 2019
A buddy with limited offshore fishing experience bought a new Grady-White, and asked for some assistance getting set up with equipment, rigging and tackle. So we made a trip to the tackle shop, where…
March 26, 2018
Up and down the Mid-Atlantic coast this spring, offshore anglers will be watching with their fingers crossed for an early run of migratory yellowfin. This is a boom-or-bust bite, with lucky fishermen…
January 30, 2018
Before you can ever gaff a tuna you have to fool one into biting, and for many anglers the initial step will be building a spreader bar. When it comes to offshore trolling there are only two basic…
September 23, 2017
If you’ve ever had a bigeye tuna inhale your bait, considering the fight that’s surely embedded into your memory, this fish’s scientific name - Thunnus Obesus - probably makes perfect sense. With…
September 15, 2017
Offshore fishing success depends on knowledge and skill, and relates less to luck than most other forms of fishing. Why? Because it isn’t as simple as putting a worm on a hook and waiting for a bite…
July 9, 2017
Those who know how to fish for tuna in the Mid-Atlantic region are quite familiar with chunking. Sure, some call it “going over to the dark side.” Others say it’s simplistic, boring, and messy, while…