August 5, 2020
Casting to or jigging shoreline structure and fishing light tackle for stripers in the shallows is often, in a way, fishing history. Every structure has a story, sometimes known, sometimes not so…
July 24, 2020
Hopefully, most of you noticed that in our weekly fishing reports for the past couple of weeks and in our Attention Maryland Rockfish Anglers blog post we’ve been asking anglers who have fished in…
July 14, 2020
With the water now warmed up for summer anglers will encounter fish suspended in the water column as a result of environmental factors, making summer trolling tactics and summer chumming effective…
July 10, 2020
As you'll notice from the Upper Bay Fishing Reports, a huge number of anglers have been fishing in the Hodges/Tolchester area. Unfortunately, this past week we began getting multiple reports of…
June 23, 2020
As the waters of the Chesapeake Bay warm up and people start fishing for summer stripers, we need to remember that as water temperatures rise above the 70s it reduces a rockfish’s chance of survival…
June 13, 2020
Some 20 to 30 years ago advances in gear and lures changed the way many of us see Chesapeake Bay fishing. Anglers up and down the shores of the Bay set aside the pool-cue rods, wire lines, and 20-…
May 28, 2020
Welcome back to FishTalk, folks, and I hope you’re as thrilled as I am to see spring arrive and the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic waters come alive for the new season. Yet today I also have to ask you…
May 9, 2020
If you give a darn about how the Maryland Chesapeake Bay striped bass season is being regulated, we hope you saw Fisheries Update: Summer 2020 MD Striper Regs Proposed. We’re not going to re-hash the…
May 4, 2020
We wait all winter for it — and spring on the Chesapeake offers some of the most diverse and challenging striped bass fishing opportunities available anywhere. It also offers the chance to catch a…
April 9, 2020
Hopefully the Maryland striped bass fishing fans among us have been following the developments as the DNR has floated different proposals for the 2020 season. And hopefully you chipped in your own…
December 18, 2019
Editor's Note: Considering the current striper situation, we're making an exception to our usual publishing practices. We usually don't republish news articles from the print version of FishTalk here…
November 28, 2019
Jigging for summer stripers is one thing, but jigging them up in the cold is a different gig. As water temps in the mainstem Chesapeake Bay drop down in to the 40s those stripers start hugging the…
November 11, 2019
I love chumming for stripers. I love the smell of pureed bunker, I love its greasy feel between my fingers, and I consider it fun to ball up a chum-stained T-shirt and hide it deep in the laundry…
October 28, 2019
11/12/2019 Update: We were informed today that the scoping document had to be released for the below mentioned regulations in advance of other potential scoping documents because of the earlier…
September 22, 2019
Are Maryland recreational anglers about to lose a portion of their allotment of the total striped bass catch to commercial interests? It’s a distinct possibility – this is a hair-on-fire moment,…
August 30, 2019
If you've already read the other articles in our summer striper how-to series, Summer Chumming and How to Jig for Summer Stripers, you may be wondering about one other highly productive method:…
July 14, 2019
Running around Chesapeake Bay as a light tackle guide who has never considered summer chumming, I have to produce all summer without ever slinging a scoop of chum or chunk of bait. Not that there’s…
June 22, 2019
When warm weather moves in and stripers school up there’s no doubt that one of the most effective way to catch fish in large numbers is often chumming, but chumming in the summer is a bit different…