March 19, 2021
Call them striped bass, stripers, rockfish, or whatever you like, one thing is for sure: the way these fish are managed is confusing to say the least. So the Coastal Conservation Association of…
January 30, 2021
It’s funny how your mind can play tricks on you but memorabilia can set the record straight, and the other day during an encouraging drop in temperature I was crawling around in the attic looking for…
January 2, 2021
Finally 2021 is here, and we can put that no good, very bad, awful year of 2020 and the Covid-19 mess it came with into the rearview as we hope for, work for, and dream for better years ahead.…
October 3, 2020
The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) is a non-profit organization that began its efforts in 1977. After noticing an extreme decline in fish populations in the Texas Gulf Coast, anglers came…
August 17, 2020
Greetings FishTalk friends, I hope your summer is going well and the fish have been snappin’ in your own personal neck of the woods. No matter where in the Mid-Atlantic region you live and no matter…
July 24, 2020
Hopefully, most of you noticed that in our weekly fishing reports for the past couple of weeks and in our Attention Maryland Rockfish Anglers blog post we’ve been asking anglers who have fished in…
July 10, 2020
As you'll notice from the Upper Bay Fishing Reports, a huge number of anglers have been fishing in the Hodges/Tolchester area. Unfortunately, this past week we began getting multiple reports of…
May 28, 2020
Welcome back to FishTalk, folks, and I hope you’re as thrilled as I am to see spring arrive and the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic waters come alive for the new season. Yet today I also have to ask you…
May 9, 2020
If you give a darn about how the Maryland Chesapeake Bay striped bass season is being regulated, we hope you saw Fisheries Update: Summer 2020 MD Striper Regs Proposed. We’re not going to re-hash the…
April 30, 2020
Maryland spring trophy rockfish season opens for 2020 with little information and lots of questions, thanks in part to the need to practice social distancing while fishing, in part due to the…
April 18, 2020
Most of you will remember that a while back we cheered action on menhaden regulation changes, and providing your angler input regarding the bills to put menhaden management into the hands of the…
April 9, 2020
Hopefully the Maryland striped bass fishing fans among us have been following the developments as the DNR has floated different proposals for the 2020 season. And hopefully you chipped in your own…
April 6, 2020
Welcome to spring, all you fish-talking folks! In years past we’d be a-chatter over the upcoming trophy rockfish trolling right about now, and although the excitement level may be slightly dampened…
March 15, 2020
You only have a couple more days to make your voice heard, as the Maryland DNR public comment period regarding proposals for the summer and fall striper seasons closes on Wednesday, March 18.…
March 3, 2020
The Maryland DNR has just posted three options for the summer fishery and we need recreational anglers to give input NOW! Anglers, during the last comment period the DNR received a few hundred emails…
February 1, 2020
Editor’s Note: As striped bass regulations are rewritten in Maryland, Virginia, and other Mid-Atlantic states, the same absence of any real scientific studies – and the use instead of MRIP’s farcical…
January 17, 2020
Unless you've been living in a cave you've probably already heard about Omega Protein busting the menhaden harvest cap in Virginia, how Governor Northam responded, and that many Atlantic States…
December 18, 2019
Editor's Note: Considering the current striper situation, we're making an exception to our usual publishing practices. We usually don't republish news articles from the print version of FishTalk here…