June 30, 2019
Whether you’re a dozen miles from the inlet, 30 miles out, or 60-plus miles at the Baltimore Canyon, any time you see the floats of commercial fishing pots you’re in luck. All too often people run…
June 14, 2019
We hope you trollers saw Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Tactics Part One: Trolling, and that chunkers have seen Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Tactics Part Two: Chunking. Now, let's check out jigging for tuna.…
May 13, 2019
Trolling is often the way to get yellowfin tuna on the line and last month we touched on the how-to info in Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Tactics Part One: Trolling, but at times it's the chunking bite that…
April 24, 2019
Trolling, chunking, and jigging are popular methods for pursuing offshore gamefish, and all three tactics are effective – but not every day. The savvy tuna angler keeps options open when running…
February 11, 2019
Several boats were always moored at the end of our pier growing up. At age eight, my first boat was a 14-foot leaky flat-bottom planked rowboat. That fantastic fishing platform took me as far as my…
January 8, 2019
A buddy with limited offshore fishing experience bought a new Grady-White, and asked for some assistance getting set up with equipment, rigging and tackle. So we made a trip to the tackle shop, where…
September 13, 2018
Call them dolphinfish, mahi-mahi, dorado, doe-does, or whatever you like, if you enjoy fishing for mahi-mahi you’ll find the discoveries made by the Dolphinfish Research Program over the past year…
August 29, 2018
The inshore mahi fishing options are over for the season, and you want to cap off your offshore action of the year with some nice mahi-mahi to stock the freezer - before the weather gets too chilly…
August 21, 2018
When it comes to offshore trolling, White marlin certainly get the most attention at this time of year with double digit releases headlining offshore canyon reports. Longfin tuna also adds a new…
August 19, 2018
The night before an offshore fishing trip is usually set on a tight itinerary, but before you attempt to catch some Zs prior to a canyon excursion you should look up the latest offshore waters sea…
July 31, 2018
In Billfish Special Part I: Fishing and Baiting Marlin we examined factors like how to locate an appropriate area to troll for billfish, and how to troll for them. But once a marlin is in the spread…
July 21, 2018
Every offshore angler dreams of the moment they encounter a white marlin or a blue marlin, and we were all watching the our ballyhoo baits swim behind the boat when the shout came off the bridge: “…
July 21, 2018
With the Mid-Atlantic summer offshore fishing season in full swing, we wanted to follow up on earlier articles like How to Catch Tuna: Trolling, and Offshore Trolling: The Art of the Mixed Spread,…
July 5, 2018
Just how do you fish for barrelfish? Well, remember when no one had ever heard of tilefish? Or opah? It wasn’t that long ago – and there’s yet another under-discovered fish off our coast.
June 21, 2018
Offshore anglers catch a host of pelagics, and chunking for tuna is an excellent way to fill the fishbox, but charter clients and a good piece of the private fleet leaves the inlet daily with the…
June 4, 2018
If you're going fishing overnight somewhere like Baltimore Canyon and you want to know how to catch squid, we just want you to remember that these critters have eight arms, two tentacles, hundreds of…
May 30, 2018
Last month we looked at tips and tricks to save a slow day of offshore trolling, and this month, we'll look at how to set a mixed trolling spread. The list of items required to put an offshore trip…
May 28, 2018
I've done a lot of fishboat reviews through the years, and the first Sailfish center console I ever tested was a 26-footer way back when, maybe 20 years ago. I arrived at the boat ramp extremely…