May 11, 2022
Presented by SiriusXM Marine
In reservoirs largemouth bass are attracted to trees and points, in the Bay striped bass are attracted to drop-offs and oyster bars, and in inshore waters sea bass are…
July 22, 2021
Mahi-mahi seem like they always want to eat everything and anything they can wrap their jaws around — until they don’t. Anyone who spends a significant amount of time bailing for them around…
June 26, 2021
As the height of summer hits there’s a fair chance of finding “peanut” dolphin, or mahi-mahi, in the two- to five-pound range, plus a few larger ones now and again, at the inshore bass pots from 10…
October 17, 2020
It’s late in the ninth month of 2020, which shall undoubtedly go down in history as the Worst Year Ever. Laugh at this, dear friends, because the sharpest mental arrow in our anti-Covid quiver is a…
August 24, 2020
The Hot Dog, Hambone, Sausages and Chickenbone — apparently, anglers get hungry when they’re looking at nautical charts, since these lumps off the coast of Ocean City, MD, all have names resembling…
June 25, 2020
Mahi-mahi, otherwise known as Dolphinfish, travel in schools and can be found offshore but often wander closer to the shore in the summer—making them a popular inshore fishing target—during the…
March 29, 2020
Every angler’s definition of fishing success varies, but I’m inclined to believe that each would include the phrase “catch fish.” When an angler says, “it was a beautiful, relaxing day of fishing,”…
August 1, 2019
Despite their aerial antic, awesome colors, and willingness to eat when many other offshore species seem lock-jawed, truth be told, for many offshore trollers mahi-mahi (properly called dolphinfish)…
June 30, 2019
Whether you’re a dozen miles from the inlet, 30 miles out, or 60-plus miles at the Baltimore Canyon, any time you see the floats of commercial fishing pots you’re in luck. All too often people run…
January 8, 2019
A buddy with limited offshore fishing experience bought a new Grady-White, and asked for some assistance getting set up with equipment, rigging and tackle. So we made a trip to the tackle shop, where…
September 13, 2018
Call them dolphinfish, mahi-mahi, dorado, doe-does, or whatever you like, if you enjoy fishing for mahi-mahi you’ll find the discoveries made by the Dolphinfish Research Program over the past year…
August 29, 2018
The inshore mahi fishing options are over for the season, and you want to cap off your offshore action of the year with some nice mahi-mahi to stock the freezer - before the weather gets too chilly…
July 9, 2018
The next time you go wreck or reef fishing out of Indian River, Ocean City, Virginia Beach, or any other Mid-Atlantic port for sea bass or flounder at one of the many inshore sites, don’t forget that…