
July 7, 2022
Trolling for yellowfin probably won't be in the cards if rough seas are in the offshore forecast, or maybe your boat isn’t very big, or maybe your time is limited, or maybe you’re just not…
March 13, 2022
Established in 1970, the Tower Reef is one of Virginia’s early artificial reefs and was originally sponsored by the Tidewater Artificial Reef Association of Virginia (TARAV), before becoming part of…
January 1, 2022
Rudow's FishTalk is the go-to source for the most accurate, timely, how-to and where-to information about Chesapeake Bay fishing and angling throughout Mid-Atlantic region. If you're looking for…
December 5, 2021
Winter striped bass fishing in the open Atlantic requires fortitude, motivation, and for most anglers, plenty of hot coffee. Yes, in the areas these fish range during this time of year it’s going to…
October 4, 2021
Many vessels disappeared without a trace during the days of sail, often as it turns out not far from shore, adding to their tragedy. The existence of one such “unknown” sailing vessel off Ocean City…
August 13, 2021
When searching for tautog, sea bass, and triggerfish off the southern DelMarVa Peninsula, Parramore Reef is one of your prime fishing destinations. Located on Parramore Banks, this circular fish…
June 26, 2021
As the height of summer hits there’s a fair chance of finding “peanut” dolphin, or mahi-mahi, in the two- to five-pound range, plus a few larger ones now and again, at the inshore bass pots from 10…
August 13, 2020
For many fishermen, cobia are the holy grail of Chesapeake Bay fishing. These fish grow larger and fight harder than virtually anything else around, and although their visitation to Bay waters only…
July 22, 2020
Ribbonfish, otherwise known as cutlassfish, are a popular fishing target throughout the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans and have become a more common catch for those enjoying some Chesapeake Bay…
July 20, 2020
Spadefish are one of the most under-rated sportfish in our region: they’re present in large numbers over wrecks and fishing reefs close to shore all summer long; they make for great table fare; and…
September 7, 2019
Everyone knows that tides and currents have an effect on fishing, including and especially Chesapeake Bay fishing, but few anglers ever master the art of utilizing tides and currents to their fullest…
July 9, 2018
The next time you go wreck or reef fishing out of Indian River, Ocean City, Virginia Beach, or any other Mid-Atlantic port for sea bass or flounder at one of the many inshore sites, don’t forget that…
October 29, 2017
Cool weather means tautog fishing gets hot up and down the Mid-Atlantic coast, but before we dive into the how-to and where-to details, let's spend an afternoon catching tautog with Captain Monty…
October 2, 2017
A great summer of fishing along the DelMarVa coast is just a memory, once fall rolls around. Tournament results are all but forgotten. Strong winds and unpredictable weather have made offshore…