December 5, 2020
When most anglers are stowing their tackle for a long a winter nap I’m getting mine ready for the next kayak fishing outing to a local lake, pond, or stream. I fish year-round and in most all weather…
November 20, 2020
Many of us cruise down the DelMarVa peninsula on a regular basis during our fishing endeavors, whether it’s to hit a Chesapeake Bay fishing hotspot or reach the beach for some saltier action. But…
November 13, 2020
Slow trolling at walking speed is a great way to pick up pickerel, which are one of the few species in our area that’s sure to get more and more active this month as the water temps get chillier and…
October 26, 2020
Back in October of 2019, Ethan Dhuyvetter, a young angler-outdoorsman from Minnesota, began making the Mule Jig. With a name based on his grandfather’s love for the toughness and dependability of the…
September 17, 2020
You've probably noticed that reading FishTalk cover to cover you'll uncover countless fishing tips, but was also include a couple of direct, specific fishing tips in each and every edition. So we've…
September 3, 2020
The wacky worm may look a bit silly, but it’s a proven way to get largemouth biting. If you haven’t tried fishing a wacky just yet, follow this basic procedure.
Hook the worm right in the middle;…
July 28, 2020
Bluegills are a popular recreational fish for beginner fishermen and are primarily concentrated throughout freshwater bodies of water, and in fresh areas of tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay. They…
July 4, 2020
It was several years ago that I first heard about chain pickerel in the Eastern Shore millponds. As I read about them I was intrigued that the millponds held so many fish, and that the last two state…
June 3, 2020
What’s the biggest recent development in the world of fishing on the entire eastern seaboard? Quite possibly, the advent of the snakeheads. No, we aren’t happy that this invasive invader took root in…
May 26, 2020
You want to hit a tidal creek or river for snakeheads, while maintaining the opportunity for a mixed bag? Small spinnerbaits are just the ticket. Bloody Point Perch Prowlers and similar small…
May 24, 2020
Looking back at my 2019 fishing log has me thinking about some summertime crappie fishing from my kayak. Fishing for those summertime slabs in the warmer months of the year can pose several…
May 16, 2020
Every spring I make it a point to get up to the Catoctin Mountains in Frederick County, to get a good solid helping of trout fishing in this beautiful region of north central Maryland. Much of the…
April 26, 2020
Known for their beautiful, colorful patterned appearance, and an amazing ability to swim upstream, rainbow trout are a great fish to catch any time of the year. Rainbow trout are special because…
April 2, 2020
I go kayak fishing, a lot. I like the feeling of being down close to the water at eye level, close to the prey that I am hunting. So it goes without saying that over the years I’ve read a lot of…
March 31, 2020
Social distancing while fishing during the COVID-19 crisis, be it Chesapeake Bay fishing or probing a lake while casting for slab crappie, is actually something that many of us perform on a regular…
March 23, 2020
Presented by Fish & Hunt Maryland
Pop quiz: what single species represents the most reliable angling target in the entire state of Maryland, day after day after day, regardless of the season? It…
March 13, 2020
Whether it’s winter, spring, summer, or fall it is always a good time to go fishing for crappie. This freshwater panfish comes in two flavors: black crappie and white crappie, although they look very…
March 7, 2020
We love fishing for some species because of the challenge, we love fishing for others because of their tail-walking antics, and we love fishing for some because of their beauty, but those are all…