March 21, 2023
It’s a serious feat to catch a muskellunge — they’re only in a few of the region’s waterways (such as the upper Potomac, James, and New Rivers), and they’re anything but easy to catch. March is an…
March 3, 2023
You wish you could shove Old Man Winter down a flight of stairs as he makes his way out of our house? Us, too — 80 degrees and sunny sounds pretty darn magnificent right about now. But short of a…
February 27, 2023
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…
February 23, 2023
Over the past summer I became a religious Loch Raven fisherman, though my skills on a spinner reel never yielded me much. On the reservoir’s banks I found myself distracted, often watching in awe as…
February 13, 2023
Rainbow trout will bite no matter how cold it gets, and that includes when you have to drill holes in the ice to get to them. Will there be any more ice in our region before the spring warmup hits?…
January 28, 2023
It’s December at home in Solomons, MD, but it’s spring here in the southern hemisphere and time for an adventure fishing in Brazil. I’ve traveled for over 24 hours and journeyed more than 6000 miles…
January 20, 2023
Something I love about Chesapeake Bay fishing is the relatively mild winters compared to my home state of Pennsylvania. As much as I love fishing, freezing in an ice shanty and all the work and…
January 16, 2023
Few fish are as different as rainbow trout and red drum, but if you live in the Mid-Atlantic region, you have a shot at both over the winter months. Here are two tactics that can help you get in on…
January 6, 2023
Some types of rigging can get complex and thus may seem a bit overwhelming at times, but you can catch just about every sporting species with some very simple, basic rigs - and when it comes to…
December 19, 2022
You’re winter fishing for yellow perch and you know live bait is usually most effective but you either can’t get any minnow, or just don’t like using bait? Catching yellow perch on lures gets tougher…
December 15, 2022
Like they say on some obscure TV show no one’s ever seen: winter is coming. The good news is that in this neck of the woods that doesn't portend the end of fishing season, much less an invasion of…
December 7, 2022
Back a long, long time ago when I was in my mid-20s, I began diligently keeping fishing records for everything from crappie to catfish, for about 17 years. That was an endeavor I thought I’d keep up…
November 18, 2022
Lots of tactics work when pickerel are the target, but one few people employ is plugging. That’s too bad, because there are times and places when casting or trolling a plug like a stickbait or a…
November 14, 2022
Recently I was standing on the deck of a good friend’s center console, chasing working birds with a half dozen or so other boats. One school dove but another popped up, and as my friend moved us…
November 12, 2022
The fall season is upon us and while for many anglers that conjures up thoughts of fall flounder fishing or kayak fishing for schoolie stripers, there are way too many other things to do: stuff like…
October 7, 2022
Every year I look forward to the autumn months when slab-sided crappie are putting on the feedbag to fatten up for the winter months. Temperatures are dropping, leaves are falling, and northwest…
October 1, 2022
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…
September 29, 2022
I’m at Mattingly Avenue Park on Mattawoman Creek off the Potomac River in the early morning, slipping my kayak into the water as fog rises off it all around me. Today I’ll be hunting blue catfish —…