May 10, 2021
Sheepshead are a somewhat common catch in coastal waters along the western Atlantic, as well as providing an unusual summer target for anglers who enjoy Chesapeake Bay Fishing in the Bay’s southern…
August 9, 2020
I suppose it is safe to say I “grew up” fishing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT). I’ve been known to brag that I know every piling of the 17.6-mile crossing. And in reality, I have fished just…
June 21, 2020
At 17.6 miles long, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, known as the CBBT, is the largest artificial reef structure in our region. The entire structure is fishable, though some spots more so than…
July 29, 2018
Summer fishing at the CBBT (Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel) can produce fish like red drum, cobia, and flounder, but there are also some lesser-known species that provide lots of action such as…
August 1, 2017
I love the feeling I get when I fire up my outboard and head for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the CBBT, on a warm summer morning for a day of fishing. In that moment, the day is full of…