September 9, 2022
There is a lot to be said for the lowly carp, an often demeaned and even hated gamefish species by some who seek “proper” gamefish. Yes, I’ll call the carp a gamefish and you carp-haters know who you…
August 18, 2022
Whether Alexandria is your atmosphere, Baltimore is your backyard, or Chesterfield is your corner of the world, if you enjoy chasing fish like bass, crappie, and bluegill, somewhere close by there’s…
December 19, 2020
About 10 years ago I got hooked up with a bunch of low-life, bottom scroungers that had all the skills it took to bend a rod throughout the winter. No, these guys weren’t drug dealers or even…
November 9, 2019
Question: what species of fish is considered throughout much of the world to be one of the smartest, most challenging, largest freshwater fishing targets out there? A fish that anglers spend untold…
November 13, 2018
Though they say carp are delicious in some parts of the world (the sorts of places where they also eat bats, tarantulas, and monkey brains), this species isn’t what most of us would call excellent…