April 12, 2022
If you want to target black drum in the surf April is an excellent month of the year to give it a shot. Follow this simple game plan, and with a little luck your drag will soon be screaming.
August 19, 2020
Black drum which derive their name from their black body and the drumming sound that they produce are a popular target for Chesapeake Bay fishing for both beginners and experienced fishermen, from…
May 14, 2020
Okay, I’ll admit it up front: in our area black drum don’t get the same respect as red drum. I don’t get it. Together with cobia, these two species make up one of those fishing “Grand Slams” that…
April 11, 2019
This spring, somewhere between the last week of April and first week of May, long, lean, hungry schools of blues averaging eight to 10 pounds should once again invade Delmarva and especially…
May 22, 2018
What’s the biggest fish you’ve ever caught while Chesapeake Bay fishing? A 50-pound striper? A 70-pound cobia? Whatever it may be, there’s a good chance that you can beat that mark with a successful…
March 5, 2018
The state of Maryland has proposed re-opening the long-closed commercial black drum fishery in Chesapeake Bay waters. This fishery, according to the ASMFC, will specifically target fish averaging 50…