August 14, 2022
Sure, a fishfinder can help you catch more fish. But, so can a slew of additional electronic accessories, if you start applying these tactics using:
Marine electronics…
July 27, 2022
We’ve all been there before: there are little bluefish or stripers busting on bait, and suddenly out of the corner of your eye you see a pelagic-looking creature shoot out of the water, arc…
July 7, 2022
Trolling for yellowfin probably won't be in the cards if rough seas are in the offshore forecast, or maybe your boat isn’t very big, or maybe your time is limited, or maybe you’re just not…
June 23, 2022
Whether you call ‘em bull minnow, mummichog, gudgeon, or mud minnow, one thing is for sure: just about every predator sought after by people fishing the Chesapeake Bay enjoys eating these little fish…
June 15, 2022
Okay: we all know that big bridge pilings attract fish, be it the Key Bridge, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (CBBT), or any bridge in-between. But, does it make a difference how and where you place…
June 11, 2022
Like many species, snakeheads love attacking small spinnerbaits. And the best thing about using these lures is that just about everything will hit them — perch, bass, crappie, you name it. So when…
June 9, 2022
One of the bright spots in Chesapeake Bay fishing in recent years has been the abundance of cobia. True, the season of 2021 wasn’t quite as hot as 2020. But it was still better for this species than…
May 19, 2022
Presented by SiriusXM Marine
Many private boat owners who plan to fish offshore jump on a charter for the learning experience. That’s a very good move, but it also can lead to making some big…
May 15, 2022
Jigging a spoon for black sea bass may not load the boat quite as quickly as dropping a standard top-and-bottom rig with baited hooks, but it does often result in catching significantly larger fish.…
May 13, 2022
Many anglers dread the May worms, as they can lead to striped bass with full bellies and little desire to eat a lure. Consider this event from a slightly scientific-ish perspective, however, and you…
April 21, 2022
Presented by SiriusXM Marine
Offshore action is right around the corner, and now’s the time to start thinking about getting ready to take on those tunas, billfish, mahi-mahi, and wahoo. It’s been a…
April 19, 2022
Fishing for speckled sea trout can be downright maddening. You hear there’s a red-hot bite one day, and the very next morning you can’t buy a strike to save your life. One moment you get a hookup on…
April 12, 2022
If you want to target black drum in the surf April is an excellent month of the year to give it a shot. Follow this simple game plan, and with a little luck your drag will soon be screaming.
April 10, 2022
Speckled trout have an unusual relationship with riprap, which is different form how species like striped bass or white perch associate with it. Yet riprap can still congregate the fish and lead to…
March 11, 2022
Who goes flounder fishing in March? Almost no one… except for those who know better. Truth be told, however, the first early birds will appear in our coastal bays this month, usually by the second…
February 13, 2022
Tactics for catching yellow perch in February can be as complex or as simple as you make ‘em. In the piece-of-cake category, we have fishing bull minnow on a bottom rig. But some anglers prefer to…
February 11, 2022
Largemouth bass will bite all winter long, but they tend to sit near bottom along ledges and edges in deep water most of the day. And thanks to their lethargic behavior in the chilly water, they aren…
January 12, 2022
Most people picture golden tilefish when they think about deep dropping but wreckfish will also bite all year long off the Virginia coast — if you can find ‘em. The toughest part of this mission is…