March 9, 2019
For many anglers, the mobility factor is a huge draw for getting into kayak fishing. You can transport a kayak with virtually any type of vehicle and launch it at any public soft launch or boat ramp…
February 15, 2019
Primarily striper fishing from my kayak, I’ve customized every inch of it to achieve my dark purposes. Within every community sub-communities exist, often seemingly at odds with each other and…
January 14, 2019
It’s four a.m. and I’m sitting here with a cup of coffee getting cold next to me. I take a sip. Picking up my cell phone, I check a few weather apps and plan out my day. A fishing show plays in the…
October 21, 2018
We all fish for different reasons, and I’ve learned that those reasons change as we go through life. Fishing provides a refuge for anyone at any point in their lives, which makes it the greatest…
October 8, 2018
As fall settles in and water temperatures begin to chill, striped bass feeding behavior will become more aggressive as they begin their pre-winter forage and Chesapeake Bay fishing kicks into high…
September 16, 2018
Sometimes you just have to get away and unplug. Isn’t that why most of us fish in the first place; to get outside and to enjoy the peace of nature? For an extended escape from the day-to-day, take a…
August 2, 2018
Here's some kayak fishing gear we've come across recently which paddling anglers of all types will find of interest.
Kayak fishing requires a selection of tools specific to their jobs.
July 11, 2018
An economical sit-in kayak is all you need to go fishing in small, flatwater environs like the DelMarVa Eastern Shore millponds, ideal waters that could put you on bass or panfish. Nothing special –…
June 6, 2018
Anyone who regularly visits our weekly fishing reports has certainly noticed that there's a lot of interest these days in fishing for snakeheads, and an exceptionally cool place to target this…
May 16, 2018
Chesapeake Bay fishing offers many opportunities to try fly fishing from a kayak while protected from gusting wind and large boat wakes. From Anne Arundel County’s 500 miles of tidal shoreline to…
March 31, 2018
Anyone who enjoys Chesapeake Bay fishing from a kayak dreams of landing the striper of a lifetime while paddling or peddling his or her personal angling machine. During the winter months you can…
March 12, 2018
Many kayak anglers, myself included, enjoy light tackle trolling for stripers from kayaks. Some anglers concentrate on deeper water, but kayak trolling in shallow water (often six feet or less) can…
March 9, 2018
A big advantage that we kayak anglers have over our motor-boating brethren is that we don’t have to winterize. We can splash our boats whenever and wherever we want. Yes, it might be freezing out,…
January 19, 2018
Kayak fishing is one of the fastest-growing recreational activities on the Chesapeake Bay, and with good reason. Once you’ve made the initial investment, getting out on the water is pretty darn…
October 19, 2017
There’s an old saying that applies to kayak fishing, among other things: “If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” In other words, we perform the task at hand using the tools we have…
July 16, 2017
The Bonafide SS127 fishing kayak debuted at the 2017 ICAST tackle show, where manufacturers show off their latest and greatest gear. We spotted it while walking the convention center floor, and felt…
July 16, 2017
A few polished techniques separate those anglers consistently landing 40-inch fish from those catching the skunk. I’ve written extensively about trolling for striped bass in my first book, “Light…